About us
Meet the Noggin team!
J. Brooke Hamilton III, Ph.D., MBA

Co-founder and CEO, EthicsOps.com LLC and principal author of Noggin & iPad stick figure art
I earned my B.A. and M.A. degrees in Philosophy at Georgetown University and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Emory University, then taught 7 years and chaired the Philosophy Department at Tuskegee University. Returning to Louisiana, I worked in marketing and as President of my family’s manufacturing business for 14 years, during which time I completed an M.B.A. at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and joined their College of Business, teaching Management and Professional Ethics. After 25 years I retired as Emeritus Professor. My ongoing research focuses on developing practical ethical standards that people can remember and use. My website, www.EthicsOps.com, receives 1,700 visits a month and provides a set of those standards applied to examples, which has been adopted in multiple educational settings and translated into Turkish.
During a 2008-09 academic-year sabbatical spent reading contemporary psychology and neuroscience research on ethics, I developed a model of how the brain processes ethics and began a 10-year project to develop an online course in how to more effectively use the brain we have rather than the brain we think we have to make ethics judgments, act ethically in the face of organizational barriers, and resolve ethics disagreements. I recently migrated the material to an interactive adaptive online platform for use in higher education and by businesses, professionals, and individuals. After beta testing, “Noggin – My Brain on Ethics” debuted in the fall of 2019.
Jennifer S. Hamilton, B.A, MLIS
Co-founder, EthicsOps.com LLC, co-author of Noggin – My Brain on Ethics, learning design specialist
I am an instructional designer, emerging ed-tech watcher, and the Ethics Ops web master. I'm Head of Instruction and an Assistant Professor at Dupré Library at the University of Louisiana Lafayette where my focus is on the design and delivery of engaging and effective library instruction. I hold an MLIS from Louisiana State University and a BA in Philosophy from Boston College. Previously I taught research skills at UL Lafayette, and served the Terrebonne Parish Library System as Reference Services Supervisor and Community Librarian. I have developed training material and methods for AmeriCorps, the American Cancer Society, the Hilliard University Art Museum, and the Lutheran Volunteer Corps. I am a keen tracker of emerging ed-tech and educational literature, who loves to experiment with new tools and approaches to instructional design.

I was named one of Library Journal’s 2015 Movers & Shakers for my work with Future Leaders of America’s Gulf, a teen journalism and leadership program that hosted more than 100 regional broadcast news interviews on important environmental, state, and community issues. Future Leaders of America’s Gulf also received the UPSTART Innovation Award in 2014 from the Public Library Association. My favorite thing is to learn something new.
Fun fact: Jen Hamilton is Brooke Hamilton's daughter.
Jeremy Ducote, B.S.

Business analyst, founder Level Methods.com & Momentum.com
Co-founder, EthicsOps.com LLC, entrepreneurship and marketing specialist
In 2011, I earned my B.S. degree in Business Administration from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. While working as an Accountant and IT Director in the commercial construction industry, I learned the basics of entrepreneurship and went on to create several software startups that are still active today. My experience is in areas such as financial reporting, process re-engineering, software development, business intelligence development, strategic planning as well as analyzing business data.
My goal has always been to drive innovation within companies to create a competitive advantage through the use of information technology.
Fun fact: Jeremy Ducote was a student in two of Brooke Hamilton's classes as an undergraduate at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Illustrator, Noggin's graphic art cartoons and totem animals
Kody Chamberlain is an award-winning writer and artist with over twenty years experience in the entertainment arts. He’s created comics and graphic novels for the best publishers in the business including BOOM! Studios, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics, IDW Publishing, Image Comics, and 12 Gauge Comics. He has also earned a vast list of credits as a writer and story artist in film, television, video games, and more with credits at HALO with 343 Industries, HarperCollins, Funny or Die, MTV, Sony, Warner Bros., and recently, his illustration work was featured in a five minute segment for NBCUniversal’s coverage for the 91st Academy Awards.

Kody is a highly unique creator in that he often produces work start to finish including script, art, lettering, coloring, logo, and book design, a workload typically done by a team of four to six different creators. His original story work has been optioned for feature film development by Universal and 20th Century FOX, and his first original television pilot ‘Vermilion’ earned a second round spot at both AFF and Sundance. His breakthrough crime series titled Sweets: A New Orleans Crime Story (by Image Comics) is one of those projects. Sweets earned a Spinetingler Award, an honor typically reserved for prose crime fiction, and was described by CRAVE as “a bob-and-weave of story that talks like a Tarantino film.” Kody currently lives in Lafayette, Louisiana with his wife Kristie and their son Lucas.
Kody Chamberlain

Reese Benoit, B.S., MBA.
Director of Marketing at Ethics Ops LLC
I earned both my B.S. and MBA at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. I like long walks on the beach and good sushi. My idea of a wild night is a spooky novel and a hot cup of tea.
I got to work with Dr. Hamilton on publishing Noggin on the LearnWorlds platform. In addition to designing the online content of EthicsOps, I am the tech support! If you ever need help or have questions, I'm the person who assists you. I hope you enjoy both the website and the online course!